Today I (JD) had the chance to take Hiett to the Monster Truck show at the E-Center. It was fun to have a day with just Hiett. I was not sure how he was going to react to the show because he does not like loud noises and he has a hard time sitting still for an extended period of time (I wonder where he gets that from?), but we had some ear protection and we took a chance with the other problem. When we got there they had a Monster Truck set up with seats in the back to give rides to those willing to pay a "small fee", as we watched it go around the arena time after time Hiett kept saying " OK the shows over lets go". Finally when the got things started he was on the edge of his seat watching almost all of it. He was not impressed with the Monster Truck racing for obvious reasons (it was in an indoor arena).
He especially liked the motorcycle races but we thought that he would since he loves motorcycles. On the ride home he just talked about the trucks and motorcycles and how cool it was. I could not even get him to change the subject for too long when we passed the airport and saw the planes (he loves airplanes also) once we passed he was right back to the show until he fell asleep about halfway home. So it was a fun day especially for Hi.
13 years ago
That sounds like it was a lot of fun. I'm glad he sat through most of it and enjoyed it.